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Click here to register for Fall Lacrosse 

Park City Youth Lacrosse (PCYLO) is excited to announce that registration for the fall season is now open! Boys and girls from K-8th grade are welcome to join. The fall season, often called 'Fall Ball', focuses on skill development and fun. Practices will start around the last week of August. Don't miss out on this fantastic opportunity to be part of the team and enjoy the game!

Practices will start the last week of August and the fall season continues until mid-October, and teams play 5 games in Park City and around Salt Lake City. 

Teams typically practice twice per week in Park City. 

Players need to provide their own equipment (more info here), and PCYLO distributes and collects uniforms each season.

Seeking Volunteers

Thanks to the post-pandemic expansion of our club, we have the opportunity (and need!) to broaden our organization. If you, or anyone you know, has a love for youth sports and a passion to help build our lacrosse community, we are currently looking to fill the following open positions before the launch of our spring season at the end of February:

  • Volunteer Uniform Coordinator
  • Board Members
  • Coaches/team equipment organize / deliver / inventory
  • Merchandise managers and on-site sales
  • Field set-up for home games
  • Volunteer support for social / spirit events


Girls High School

Boys High School

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